30 Daughters: The Year of the ReSURGEnce
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30 Daughters is a POWERFUL daily devotional ministry that speaks volumes into the lives of its readers. The Ministry is an “out of the box” devotional experience that allows 30 different women of God to come together and minister on a single God-given theme. God's vision to have 30 unique voices come together from varied backgrounds, walks of life, and Christian experiences have been one of the primary success factors of the Ministry. Each month the Daughters bring scriptures to life by sharing their experiences through the help & inspiration of God. Their interpretation opens the gateway to healing the thoughts, hearts, minds, and souls of those who are blessed to read these anointed and unadulterated Words of God.
The Year of the ReSURGEnce, is the sophomore compilation from the Ministry. It is an anointed and powerful devotional guaranteed to JUMPSTART each reader’s life from any dry or dormant place. It is sure to be the paradigm shift and exodus to OUR NEXT.
We believe each devotional will help the reader grow closer to God and garner a more profound relationship in their faith walk as they read, and reflect on the Word of God.
The devotionals continue to send an undeniable SURGE through the spirit of its readers. It ignites a fire that closely resembles the burning that Jeremiah spoke of in Jeremiah 20:9.
We want a REVIVAL! We need a REVIVAL! And we must let the REVIVAL begin NOW, in us.
Thank God for this year…….The Year of the ReSURGEnce!
The Year of the ReSURGEnce, is the sophomore compilation from the Ministry. It is an anointed and powerful devotional guaranteed to JUMPSTART each reader’s life from any dry or dormant place. It is sure to be the paradigm shift and exodus to OUR NEXT.
We believe each devotional will help the reader grow closer to God and garner a more profound relationship in their faith walk as they read, and reflect on the Word of God.
The devotionals continue to send an undeniable SURGE through the spirit of its readers. It ignites a fire that closely resembles the burning that Jeremiah spoke of in Jeremiah 20:9.
We want a REVIVAL! We need a REVIVAL! And we must let the REVIVAL begin NOW, in us.
Thank God for this year…….The Year of the ReSURGEnce!

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